The European Working Group of People with Dementia (EWGPWD) was launched by Alzheimer Europe and its member associations in 2012. The group is composed entirely of people with dementia, who are nominated by their national Alzheimer associations. They work to ensure that the activities, projects and meetings of Alzheimer Europe duly reflect the priorities and views of people living with dementia.
They also contribute to consultations and do public involvement work for different European projects in which Alzheimer Europe is a partner, including EU-FINGERS.
On 13 to 14 May, the members of the EWGPWD and their supporters met in Luxembourg and worked on several projects within the framework of public involvement. During this meeting, the group voted for the Chair for the next term of office of the EWGPWD. Chris Roberts was re-elected Chair and we look forward to his continued leadership of the EWGPWD from October 2022 onwards.
Chris and his wife Jayne from Wales, UK are both part of the EU-FINGERS Advisory Board. Members of the EU-FINGERS Advisory Board have the opportunity to provide feedback and advice to the EU-FINGERS researchers about various topics and issues linked to the research activities conducted by the consortium.