EU-FINGERS in a nutshell

The project:
In EU-FINGERS we work on finding ways to reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer´s disease and other brain disorders leading to memory problems and dementia. We also aim to discover ways to slow down the progression of Alzheimer´s disease and other brain disorders in people who have already been diagnosed.

Patient & Public Involvement

Public Involvement means active and meaningful contribution of people from the community, who provide advice to the EU-FINGERS research team. Such advice can help EU-FINGERS to succeed.

People participating in Public Involvement activities are part of the EU-FINGERS Advisory Board.

EURO-FINGERS is an EU Joint Programme –
Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) project.

The project is supported through the following funding organisations under the aegis of JPND – Finland, Academy of Finland; Germany, Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Hungary, National Research, Development and Innovation Office; Luxemburg, National Research Fund; The Netherlands, Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development; Spain, National Institute of Health Carlos III; Sweden, Swedish Research Council.