Welcome to EU-FINGERS

Precision Prevention of
Alzheimer´s disease and dementia

📢 Our MIND-AD trial results finally out 🙌

❓Feasibility & impact of lifestyle+medical food intervention in prodromal Alzheimer’s

🔎 6-month RCT, N=93 🇸🇪🇫🇷🇫🇮🇩🇪

💡 High retention & adherence, health benefits (improved lifestyle, reduced CVD risk)

Some of our @Multi_MeMo members, including our project coordinator Alina Solomon, are attending the @AD_RIDDLE Kick-Off Meeting in Stockholm.

Looking forward to the collaborations ahead! @eufingers

For more info about the @IHIEurope-funded project, visit http://ad-riddle.org

Our news


in numbers



We represent 11 institutions and organisations who specialise in the field of brain health, innovative interventions for the prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.



Our research partners operate in 7 European countries, from Finland to Hungary and from Spain to Sweden.


years’ experience

We have more than 20 years’ experience in research, collaborating across the globe in multinational teams rooted in prevention strategies for memory disorders.

EURO-FINGERS is an EU Joint Programme –
Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) project.

The project is supported through the following funding organisations under the aegis of JPND – www.jpnd.eu: Finland, Academy of Finland; Germany, Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Hungary, National Research, Development and Innovation Office; Luxemburg, National Research Fund; The Netherlands, Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development; Spain, National Institute of Health Carlos III; Sweden, Swedish Research Council.