The work of the Advisory Board
The main aim of the EU-FINGERS Public Involvement activities is to ensure that members of the Advisory Board are involved in the work of the EU-FINGERS Consortium, and can guide and influence relevant decisions on how the EU-FINGERS research activities are conducted.
Members of the EU-FINGERS Advisory Board have the opportunity to provide feedback and advice to the EU-FINGERS researchers about various topics and issues linked to the research activities conducted by the consortium. Some examples of the topics that may be discussed with members of the Advisory Board include: understanding of dementia and Alzheimer´s disease prevention, brain health and risk factors for Alzheimer´s dementia, how to communicate these topics to the general public, ethical and social implications of the project, etc.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face (i.e., in-person) meetings are currently not possible. Therefore, all interactions with the Advisory Board members are online. Once it is possible and safe to meet, in-person meetings will also be organised (one meeting per year). These in-person meetings will last one full day.
Work of the Advisory Board to date
Meetings in 2021
- 18 February: First social meeting to get to know more about each member.
- 25 February and 3 March: Consultation on terminology, meaningfulness of the topics, and barriers and facilitators to programmes for dementia risk reduction and prevention.
- 8 March: Optional meeting: feedback on a survey that will be distributed among clinicians working in memory clinics.
- 7, 8 and 9 September: Consultation on interventions for brain health which combine changes in lifestyle and drugs.
- 21 October: Informative event: Prof Miia Kivipelto gave a talk on the topic of brain health and risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia.
- 24 and 25 November: Consultation on the combined FINGER intervention and the EU-FINGERS master protocol.
Meetings in 2022
- 1 March: Consultation on online registries for study participants.
- 11 April: Informative event on the topic of nutrition and exercise.
- 15 and 23 September: Consultation to provide feedback to the CAIDE risk score
- 7, 8 and 10 November: Consultation on the dementia risk communication including how doctors and/or researchers should communicate the risk to develop dementia to people at risk.
Meetings in 2023
- 18 April: Informative event on the topic of cognitive health.
- 14 November: Face to face consultation & four workshops in small groups
The project is supported through the following funding organisations under the aegis of JPND – Finland, Academy of Finland; Germany, Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Hungary, National Research, Development and Innovation Office; Luxemburg, National Research Fund; The Netherlands, Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development; Spain, National Institute of Health Carlos III; Sweden, Swedish Research Council.